From Austin to Oz. I'm planning to flee the country for 7 months - working for 4 and traveling for 3.
Departure = 03 Sep 2003 / Re-entry = 03 Apr 2004

Thursday, September 18, 2003


I had a job interview today to be -- get this -- an XBOX DEMONSTRATOR! Yup, that's right, I am trying to be a smarmy salesman in the mall that peddles gizmo boxes to Aussie families and university boys. A high-tech drug dealer. "Your first game is free, kid, but the next time you gotta fork over a wad of Aussie dollars for your next hit." HA! I'll make friends superfastquicklike, just like a bartender. Everyone likes the bartender.

I find out on Monday if I was accepted for training, which would occur the following Tuesday. The job only lasts a month. Perfect. Then, after the job is over, when I strut my stuff about town, everyone in Brisbane will know me as the "Texan Xbox guy". Not a bad title, that.


I came back from the interview to find our friend David in the lobby, a beer in one hand and a laptop computer sitting on his thighs listening to a college football game on-line. (Yeah, sure the game started at 10AM Brisbane time, but it's always a good time to drink beer, eh?) So, which game? The one that just so happened to pit his university against mine: Virginia Tech v. Texas A&M.

David is an alum of Virginia Tech, thus, he is a "Hokie" (a castrated turkey). I don't see how that mascot can strike fear into the hearts of the opponents, but my uni's mascot is a collie -- REVEILLE'S ONE TOUGH BITCH, THO!

Anyway, since David and I have only know each other for 1.5 weeks, we already have rival university tension between us, as we sit in the lobby listening to the game.

Game just ended. The Ags ran out of time. Now, it's off to the National Festival of Beers!

Ah, what a tough Friday.


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